Selecting the Best Fence Style for Your Property

Published May 17, 2024 | Last updated May 21, 2024

Selecting the best fence style for your property is crucial as it not only enhances the overall aesthetic appeal but also provides security, privacy, and boundary demarcation.

The perfect fence can add value to your property and complement its architectural style.

FenceTrac Neighborhood Perimeter Privacy Fence Wood & Metal

With numerous options available, finding the best fence style that meets your specific needs and preferences is essential.

Understanding the Function of Your Fence

When selecting a fence style for your property, it is essential to consider the primary functions it will serve.

Understanding these key purposes can guide you in choosing the right fence that meets your specific needs.

Let’s delve deeper into the various functions of a fence:


A fence plays a crucial role in enhancing the security of your property by acting as a barrier to deter potential intruders.

Commercial Privacy Fence Gate With Automatic Opener

Materials like wrought iron or chain link fences can provide a high level of security, while proper installation and height can further reinforce this function.


Privacy is a significant consideration for many homeowners.

Fences such as wooden or vinyl options offer excellent privacy features, shielding your backyard or outdoor space from unwanted attention.

Horizontal Slat Fence on Rooftop Patio

Strategic positioning and height of the fence contribute to creating a private sanctuary within your property.


Beyond functionality, a fence can greatly impact the overall aesthetics of your property.

Styles like wrought iron or aluminum fences add a touch of elegance and sophistication, enhancing the curb appeal of your home.

FenceTrac Privacy Fence on Brick Wall

Consider the design, color, and material of the fence to complement the architectural style of your property.


For households with children and pets, safety is paramount.

Fences act as a protective barrier.

Like a pool fence, it prevents young children and pets from wandering off or accessing potentially dangerous areas.

Residential Privacy Fence Around Pool

Choosing a sturdy material and ensuring proper installation can create a safe environment for your loved ones.

Property Boundary

One of the fundamental functions of a fence is to define the boundaries of your property.

This not only prevents encroachment from neighbors but also helps avoid disputes over property lines.

Horizontal Black Iron & Wood Slat Fence

Clear demarcation through a well-built fence ensures everyone knows the extent of your land.

Key Considerations for Fence Selection

Selecting the right fence for your property involves various important factors that should be carefully evaluated to ensure you make the best choice.

Let’s dive into the key considerations that will help you in the process of fence selection:

Fencing Purpose

Identifying the primary reason for installing the fence.

Is it for decorative residential fencing or commercial security fencing? 

From modern commercial cattle panel fence to residential horizontal privacy fence

Determining the purpose of your fence is essential.

Whether you need security, privacy, safety for children and pets, or simply want to enhance the aesthetics of your property, clarifying the primary goal will guide you in choosing the most suitable style.

Property Area Fence

Consider the specific areas where the fence will be installed.

Different areas of your property may require specific types of fencing.

Patio Privacy Fence

Whether it’s for the pool, patio, back yard, front yard, perimeter, enclosure, or farm, the location will influence the design, height, and material selection of the fence.

Fence Height

Choosing the appropriate height based on function.

The height of your fence plays a critical role in fulfilling its function.

FenceTrac Under Construction

Taller fences provide enhanced security, while medium-height fences are ideal for privacy purposes.

Matching the height to the intended purpose ensures that your fence serves its function effectively.

Fencing Materials

Exploring different materials and their benefits.

Metal PVC Vinyl Fence

  • Metal: Known for durability and strength, metal fences like wrought iron or aluminum steel offer robust security solutions.
  • Wood: Wooden fences provide a natural look and versatility, complementing various architectural styles.
  • Vinyl: Low maintenance and longevity are the hallmarks of vinyl fences, making them an attractive option for homeowners.
  • Composite: Combining materials for enhanced performance, composite fences offer a blend of durability and aesthetic appeal.

Fence Maintenance

Considering the upkeep required for different materials.

Each type of material comes with its maintenance needs.

Black LuxeCore Composite Horizontal Fence Under Construction

While metal fences may require occasional painting or rust prevention, vinyl fences are virtually maintenance-free.

Understanding the maintenance requirements will help you choose a fence that fits your lifestyle and maintenance preferences.

Fencing Budget

Balancing cost with quality and long-term benefits.

Setting a budget is crucial when selecting a fence.

Wood & Black Iron Fence

Balancing the initial cost with long-term benefits, such as durability and maintenance requirements, ensures that you invest in a fence that meets your needs while staying within your financial constraints.

Fence Local Regulations

Checking local zoning laws and homeowner association guidelines.

Before installing a fence, it’s important to research and understand local regulations governing fence installation.

FenceTrac Ranch Rail Fence With Metal Posts

Zoning laws and homeowner association guidelines may dictate aspects such as fence height, materials, and positioning.

Adhering to these regulations will prevent costly mistakes and ensure a smooth installation process.

Explore Modern Fence Styles by FenceTrac

FenceTrac is a premier supplier of diverse and premium fence options.

FenceTrac is a top-tier provider known for offering versatile and high-quality fence solutions.

Their extensive range of fencing options caters to diverse needs, from classic wooden fences to modern vinyl and elegant wrought iron designs.

Black LuxeCore Composite Horizontal Fence

Ensuring durability and longevity…

FenceTrac’s commitment to quality craftsmanship sets them apart in the industry, providing customers with fences that not only enhance the aesthetics of their properties but also deliver functionality and lasting value.


Their focus on customization allows customers to tailor the design, height, and material of the fence to meet their specific needs, ensuring a personalized and seamless experience from selection to installation.

With a reputation for exceptional customer service and a dedication to innovation, FenceTrac stands out as a leader in the market.

Trash Can Privacy Enclosure

Their knowledgeable team of professionals guides customers through the entire process, offering support and expertise to ensure a smooth journey from consultation to project completion.

By staying ahead of industry trends and embracing innovation, FenceTrac continuously explores new materials and design concepts, providing customers with cutting-edge fence solutions that incorporate the latest technologies and design trends.

Whether you seek security, privacy, aesthetics, or property boundary delineation, FenceTrac offers a comprehensive selection of high-quality fences tailored to meet your specific requirements and elevate the functionality and visual appeal of your property.

Fence Styles Offered by FenceTrac

Privacy Fence Ideas

Description: Privacy fences from FenceTrac feature solid panels that offer complete seclusion and shield your property from prying eyes. These fences are ideal for creating intimate outdoor spaces and ensuring confidentiality within your backyard.

Black Stained Wood & Metal Horizontal Fence Equipment Enclosure

Best For: Residential properties and backyards where privacy is paramount. Perfect for homeowners looking to enjoy a private oasis or secure their outdoor living areas.

Materials: Available in various options such as durable metal for strength, classic wood for a natural look, versatile vinyl for low maintenance, and composite materials for enhanced performance and longevity.

Semi-Privacy Fence Style 

Description: Semi-privacy fences by FenceTrac are constructed with sturdy, taller designs that offer security and discretion while maintaining some visibility through minimal gaps. These fences provide a balance between privacy and openness.

Horizontal Slat Fence

Best For: Commercial properties, industrial areas, or locations that require heightened security measures. Ideal for spaces where a combination of security and visibility is necessary.

Materials: Crafted using robust metal for durability and strength, as well as composite fence materials for a modern and long-lasting fencing solution.

Decorative Fence Style 

Description: Decorative fences offered by FenceTrac feature stylish designs that not only enhance the aesthetics of your property but also add a touch of elegance and sophistication. These fences serve as decorative elements that elevate the overall look of your front yard, garden, or property boundaries.

Decorative Metal Laser Cut Wildlife Fence Design

Best For: Front yards, gardens, and decorative boundaries where visual appeal is a priority. Perfect for homeowners seeking to add a decorative flair to their outdoor spaces.

Materials: Available in metal for a sleek and modern design, as well as wood for a classic and natural appearance that blends harmoniously with green spaces.

Post & Rail Ranch Fence Style 

Description: Post & Rail Ranch Fences from FenceTrac offer a traditional style characterized by evenly spaced pickets that provide a classic and timeless look. These fences are designed to delineate boundaries while maintaining an open and welcoming feel.

Highplains Ranch Rail Fence

Best For: Backyards, acreage properties, agricultural lands, and commercial spaces seeking a traditional yet functional fencing solution. Ideal for properties where a balance of structure and openness is desired.

Materials: Constructed using sturdy metal for durability and reliability, as well as wood for a charming and rustic appearance that complements rural and natural settings.

Customization Options

Fence Panels

Custom sizes and designs.

Bamboo Pool Privacy Fence Design

FenceTrac offers the flexibility to customize fence panels according to specific measurements and designs, ensuring a tailored fit for individual needs.

This customization option allows for unique and personalized fencing solutions that cater to diverse property requirements.


Adding gates for accessibility and security.

Enhance your fence with customized gates that provide both accessibility and added security.

Fencetrac Wood Privacy Fence Gate

FenceTrac allows for the integration of gates tailored to fit the design and height of the fence, ensuring a seamless and cohesive appearance while improving functionality.

Colors and Finishes

Choosing complementary colors and finishes.

Select from a range of colors and finishes to harmonize with the aesthetics of your property.

Horizontal Fence Mounted to Wall

Whether you prefer a classic white finish, a modern gray tone, or a bold color choice, FenceTrac’s customization options enable you to create a cohesive and visually appealing look for your fencing.

Additional Features

Integrating enhanced features.

Elevate the functionality and style of your fence by incorporating additional features such as lighting fixtures, security cameras, or plant holders.

Privacy Fence Mounted on a Slope

These customizable options add versatility and practicality to your fencing solution, enhancing both the aesthetic appeal and usability of your property.

Fence Panel Kits

If you want to explore more options, explore our panel kits!

Installation and Maintenance Considerations

Professional Installation

Opting for professional installation ensures that your fence is set up correctly and efficiently.

Professional installers from FenceTrac possess the knowledge and expertise to install your fence securely, adhering to industry standards and guidelines.

Black LuxeCore Composite Horizontal Fence Under Construction

This ensures a hassle-free installation process and guarantees that your fence functions as intended.

DIY Installation

For those inclined towards DIY projects, FenceTrac offers solutions for self-installation.

DIY kits come with comprehensive instructions and all necessary components, allowing homeowners to take on the installation process themselves.

Metal Fence Frame Fence Installation Under Construction

This option provides flexibility and cost savings for individuals who enjoy hands-on projects and have the necessary skills.

Maintenance Tips

Proper maintenance is key to ensuring the durability and aesthetics of your fence over time.

FenceTrac offers maintenance tips tailored to the specific material of your fence.

LuxeCore Composite Planks

These tips may include regular inspections, cleaning procedures, and protective treatments to prevent damage and preserve the quality of your fence.

By following recommended maintenance practices, you can extend the lifespan of your fence and keep it looking its best for years to come.

Watch Fence Assembly Video

Watch this video to learn how to assemble a modern fence with composite fence pickets and H-clips to add space between pickets.

A Better Way to Design Your Fence

By design.

The FenceTrac fence system offers unlimited fence design possibilities for your privacy fence.

Our patented fence panel system includes a U-shaped framework into which infill materials can be placed.

This system allows you choose the materials and colors you want to go into the fence panel frame.

FenceTrac Assembly Detail

Side channels bolt to each post with self-tapping screws.


The infill material easily slides into the U-shaped FenceTrac fence panel frame that sits between each post.

The top and bottom channels attach to the side channels to hold everything together.

Each four-piece panel assembles with just four bolts.

Easier to build than live fencing.

Design a Retaining Wall Fence

FenceTrac accommodates infill materials of up to 1-inch thick.

Design your fence with vertical or horizontal slats.

We offer cedar wood and PVC infill options shipped with your kit, but some property owners supply their own infill as well.

Wood Slat Fence
PVC Panel Fence
Luxecore Composite Fence Tropical Teak
Luxecore Composite Fence Harbor Gray
Louvered Wood Slat Fence
Galvanized Pipe Metal
Galvanized Pipe Metal Black
Galvanized Corrugated Metal
Galvanized Corrugated Metal Black
  • Western red cedar
  • Eastern red cedar
  • Cypress boards
  • Treated pine
  • Ipe boards
  • Wood pallets
  • Barn wood
  • Vinyl planks
  • Composite planks
  • PVC planks
  • Hardie board
  • Metal screen
  • Wood rails
  • Black slats
  • White slats
  • Metal sheets
  • Metal panels
  • Perforated metal
  • Etched metal
  • Lattice panels
  • Wood & iron
  • Welded wire
  • Cattle panels
  • Reclaimed wood
  • Corrugated metal
  • Ribbed metal
  • Stone veneer panels
  • Brick veneer panels
  • Bamboo
  • Wrought iron


The significance of choosing the appropriate fence style for your property cannot be overstated.

Whether you prioritize privacy, security, aesthetics, or functionality, selecting the right fence plays a crucial role in enhancing your property’s overall appeal and meeting your specific needs.

To explore a diverse range of high-quality fence styles that cater to various requirements, visit FenceTrac.

Fencetrac’s extensive selection of fences, coupled with customization options and expert guidance, ensures that you can find the perfect fencing solution to elevate your property.

Request for a quote from FenceTrac!

Let the team assist you in selecting the ideal fence that enhances your property’s beauty, security, and functionality, tailored to your unique preferences and requirements.

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